the best ultras chants (part 1)
the best ultras chants (part 1) TheUltras movement, or simply Ultras, is the name given to organized supporters' groups for sports teams, mostly European and South American supporters of football teams. This fan sub-group appeared in Italy during the late 1960s when football teams reduced ticket prices on certain areas of the stadiums.

english hooligans inglesi scontri fight riots…
english hooligans - hooligans inglesi altra compilation creata da me questa volta riguardante la scena inglese Arsenal Gooners Aston Villa Steamers, Villa Youth Barnsley Inter-City Tykes, Five-O Birmingham City Zulu Warriors Blackburn Rovers Blackburn Youth Blackpool BRS (Bison Riot Squad), Seaside Mafia, BTS (Blackpool Tangerine Service) Bolton Wanderers Tonge Moor Slashers, Mongoose Cuckoo Boys, Billy Whizz Fan Club Bradford City The Ointment Brighton and Hove Albion Headhunters Burnley SS (Suicide Squad) Cambridge United Cambridge Casuals Cardiff City Soul Firm Carlisle United BCF (Border City Firm) Chelsea Headhunters Chesterfield CBS (Chesterfield Bastard Squad) Darlington Darlington Casuals, Bank Top 200, The Gaffa, Under 5s, The Townies Derby County DLF (Derby Lunatic Fringe) Doncaster Rovers DDR (Doncaster Defence Regiment) Exeter City Sly Crew Fulham Thames Valley Travellers Grimsby Town CBP (Cleethorpes Beach Patrol) Grimsby Town CBP (Cleethorpes Beach Patrol) Hereford United ICF (Inter-City Firm) Huddersfield Town HYC (Huddersfield Young Casuals) Hull City City Psychos Leeds United Service Crew Leicester City Baby Squad, MLA (Matthew & Marks Alliance), BIF (Braunstone Inter-City Firm), TRA (Thurnby Republican Army), ICHF (Inter-City Harry Firm) Lincoln City LTE (Lincoln Transit Elite) Manchester City Maine Line Service Crew; Guv'nors Manchester United Inter-City Jibbers; The Cockney Reds Middlesbrough Frontline Millwall Bushwackers; The Treatment Newcastle ...